Thursday, May 30, 2013

Virtual Trade Fair: May 26 at the NCTAFE Conference Center in jokaydiaGRID

What was this room called? It's a disco solar system!
No, it is the Mystery Box. 

Virtual Trade Fair

On Sunday May 26
at the NCTAFE Conference Center in jokaydiaGRID
 You walk inside..

The event allowed the NCTAFE students to deliver their presentations. Jennifer Stevenson gave a presentation about the benefits of Social Networking for business in a virtual world. They provide the service of assisting companies in creating an effective online social presence; this included the virtual worlds.
Attendees where able to use tokens to purchase services from various booths at the event. Students were available to answer questions about those products.
Very interesting project and the students are working hard to hone the virtual presentations.
I would like to come back again with our class, and interact more with the students at another event in the future. 
Thanks for reading!


  1. Very cool, Patricia. You must be in Jane's class - it looks like you are embracing your virtual self. Enjoy the journey. Megan

  2. Yes, I am in Jane's class Weylibrarian. Thanks, and I shall!
